*Publication Day Push* Second Chances in Chianti- T. A. Williams

I’m delighted to be taking part in today’s publication push for this latest novel by T. A. Williams.

Alice thought her future was set in stone, until her past came knocking…

Alice Butler starred in a successful US sitcom until tensions in the cast and crew caused the show to be cancelled. Now, five years later and working towards her dream job in art history, she’s called back for a revival of the show. It can only end in disaster, surely?

Flown to a villa in Chianti to meet with the rest of the cast, Alice must decide where her future lies – with her boyfriend, David, who laps up the Hollywood company, or with the mysterious Matt, who shies away from public attention?

Author Bio – I’m a man. And a pretty old man as well. I did languages at university a long time ago and then lived and worked in France and Switzerland before going to Italy for seven years as a teacher of English. My Italian wife and I then came back to the UK with our little daughter (now long-since grown up) where I ran a big English language school for many years. We now live in a sleepy little village in Devonshire. I’ve been writing almost all my life but it was only seven years ago that I finally managed to find a publisher who liked my work enough to offer me my first contract.

The fact that I am now writing romantic comedy is something I still find hard to explain. My early books were thrillers and historical novels. Maybe it’s because there are so many horrible things happening in the world today that I feel I need to do my best to provide something to cheer my readers up. My books provide escapism to some gorgeous locations, even if travel to them is currently difficult.

Social Media Links –

Website: www.tawilliamsbooks.com

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As a huge fan of this author’s previous books, I was excited to be asked to be part of the publication push and couldn’t wait to dive into the pages and transport myself to Tuscany!

This is the beauty of a T. A. Williams novel; each one is so beautifully depicted that the reader is drawn into the sights, sounds and smells of la Bella Italia! ‘Second Chances in Chianti’ is set in the heart of the Tuscany region and you will undoubtedly want to visit for yourself to sample the food, wine and glorious vistas described in the book by the time you reach the end!

No T. A. Williams novel is complete without a furry friend to steal the show and win the heart of the main character and in this one, Guinness, the adorable Labrador, is a delightful feature throughout who certainly helps to break the ice between Alice and Matt.

I loved the portrayal of the different characters; from those gripped by the ideals of a Hollywood lifestyle and fame and fortune, to those more down-to-earth who would prefer to shy away from the limelight. Alice finds herself torn between the two and it’s interesting to see how her mindset evolves and changes as the story progresses.

This is another light-hearted romance from a hugely popular author. If you’ve yet to pick up one of his novels, what are you waiting for? Get reading this one!

With thanks to the author, Canelo and @rararesources for the opportunity to take part on publication day.

My reviews of other T.A. Williams novels can be found here:




