** Blog Tour ** Turning the World to Stone- Kelly Evans

I’m delighted to be one of today’s stops on the opening day of the blog tour for ‘Turning the World to Stone.’

Turning the World to Stone: The Life of Caterina Sforza Part One 1472 – 1488

Vilified by history, Caterina Sforza learned early that her life was not her own. Married at age ten, she was a pawn in the ever-changing political environment of Renaissance Italy.

Resigned to her life as a fifteenth-century wife, Caterina adapted to the role she was expected to play: raising and educating her children, helping the poor in her new home, and turning a blind eye to her
husband’s increasingly shameful behaviour.

But Fate had other plans for her, and soon Caterina’s path would be plagued by murder, betrayal, and heartbreak.

“Could I write all, the world would turn to stone.”

Purchase Link https://mybook.to/Caterina

Author Bio –

Born in Canada of Scottish extraction, Kelly Evans graduated in History and English then moved to England where she worked in the financial sector. While in London Kelly continued her studies in history, concentrating on Medieval History, and travelled extensively through Eastern and Western Europe.

Kelly is now back in Canada with her husband Max and a rescue cat. She writes full-time, focussing on illuminating little-known women in history with fascinating stories.

When not working on her novels, Kelly writes Described Video scripts for visually impaired individuals, plays oboe, and enjoys old sci-fi movies.

Social Media Links –

Website: https://www.kellyaevans.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChaucerBabe

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kellyevansauthor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellyevansauthor/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Kelly-Evans/author/B0187JGTOQ

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14335541.Kelly_Evans


This was a fascinating read and one in which I found myself immediately drawn onto the narrative.

Being set in Renaissance Italy, the book held instant appeal for me, but I also found myself enraptured by the story of a woman I previously knew nothing about.

While described as a work of creative fiction, much of the tale is clearly based on historical fact; indeed Caterina Sforza was a remarkable woman in her time.

This is part one of her life story and deals with her days as a young girl, where she is betrothed at the age of ten, and the early years of her marriage where she battles to be considered on an equal par with her husband.

There is some difficult content but Caterina’s character is one of extreme resilience, fierce devotion to her children and trusted friends and someone determined to break free from the confines of her ‘duties’ as a subservient wife.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one and will be keeping an eye out for the next part!

With thanks to the author and Rachel at Random Resources for the opportunity to participate in the tour.

Further stops can be found here:

** Blog Tour ** The Devil’s Tune- Fran Kempton

I’m pleased to be one of today’s stops on the blog tour for ‘The Devil’s Tune’.

Carlo Gesualdo, prince, composer and murderer has his wife and her lover killed in Naples in 1590. The wife’s maidservant, Laura Scala, witnesses the events and vows to avenge her mistress.

The princess, Donna Maria d’Avalos, rescued Laura in Sicily after she had been raped at the age of thirteen. Laura devotes her life to her saviour and after the murders she spends years of her life trying to be revenged on the musical prince.

The scene moves from Sicily to Naples and Venice, back to Naples and finally to the New World. Laura believes she is carrying a curse. Everyone she becomes involved with appears to suffers misfortune and death.

A Jewish girl in the Venetian ghetto is kidnapped and sold into the Sultan’s harem, Laura’s daughter is placed in an orphanage without her knowledge, the artist Caravaggio uses Laura as a model and meets a tragic end.

Three beautiful pearls given to Laura by her mistress play a part in the story. Is Laura really cursed – or is it her connection with the murderous prince who dabbles in the occult?

A gypsy woman is burned at the stake, a Venetian gondolier meets a mysterious fate and Laura becomes a skilled herbalist and poisoner by default before the story ends in the New World. The background to these  events is the strange and compelling music of Gesualdo.

Author Bio – Frances Kempton  is a reclusive writer fleeing from  the clutches of Jane Austen.

She has an obsession with Italy. This is the first book in an Italian trilogy.


This is an historical fiction novel based around the real-life events of Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of Venosa, a notorious composer, whose dark moods and melancholy led to a life of treachery and murder in Renaissance Italy.

The tale is told through the eyes of Laura Scala, a maid rescued by Gesualdo’s first wife Donna-Maria as she flees her countryside home after being sexually assaulted by a local villager.

Fiercely loyal to her mistress, she vows revenge on Gesualdo after he murders his wife and as the story unfolds, we discover how not only her actions, but those of the people around her, impact on her life choices and their consequences.

As the narrative unfolds, the reader is taken from Sicily to Naples and Venice, with the author expertly weaving in accurate descriptions of each setting fitting of the time. There are frequent references to potions and witchcraft which would also have been prevalent at the time, with Laura pondering using the knowledge she learnt early in life to seek her revenge on those who have wronged her.

Fans of historical fiction will find themselves enthralled by this tale; it is fast-paced, enticing and intriguing and truly transports the reader back in time. Highly recommended!

With thanks to the author and @rararesources for the opportunity to participate in the tour. Further stops can be found here: