23 Things To Do in 2023

I read another blog post with this title last week and it piqued my interest enough to make me ponder what my list would be.

23 things is actually quite a lot in the grand scheme of things when you’re trying to juggle a job and a one-year-old, so I will be cheating slightly and including some things that I know I’ve already got planned, but here goes…

1. Watch the Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour

This is something I’ve been doing as an annual girls’ night out/ overnight stay for a number of years now but a combination of covid and having a two and a half month old baby at home last year meant it didn’t go ahead.

We always see the Manchester show and treat ourselves to a night at the Lowry hotel afterwards. The line up looks good this year and it’s always a great night. I just have to get my head around leaving my baby boy overnight for the first time before the end of the month now!

A full list of tour dates can be found here:


2. Catch up with friends for drinks and a meal

When life is busy, it’s so easy to fall into a routine that means missing out on small things that are actually really important!

A group of friends who are all either current or former work colleagues try to make sure we set aside time every few months to catch up over a meal and some civilised drinks.

I had to miss the last one in December as hubby was poorly and we had no alternative childcare so I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the beginning of February for some much-needed ‘me time’.

3. Watch Johannes Radebe’s Freedom Unleashed Tour

Johannes is easily one of my favourite pro dancers on Strictly and his debut tour ‘Freedom’ last year was spectacular. This year, he’s back with Freedom Unleashed which I’m sure is going to be even bigger and bolder. I can’t wait to see it!

Tour dates for Freedom Unleashed can be found here:


4. Spend more time outdoors

I love being outdoors, whether it’s just taking the baby for a walk locally or exploring new places further afield. I’m by no means a birdwatcher but I’m lucky enough to live near a lake with lots of wildlife and have become a little bit obsessed with spotting robins, herons and woodpeckers and trying to capture them on camera!

While on maternity leave, I took my son to a ‘Tree Babies’ class and that couple of hours each week was, if you’ll pardon the pun, a breath of fresh air! It’s also made me realise how much he already loves trees and nature and it’s definitely something I want to continue to foster in him.

I was looking at the 1000 hours outside challenge this week and, while that might be too difficult to achieve this year, I’m determined to try and spend as much time outdoors as I can!

Details of the ‘ 1000 hours outdoors challenge’ can be found here:


5. Visit new places

This has to be one of my favourite things to do. Whether it’s exploring on holiday or simply visiting somewhere I’ve never been before for a day out, I love going to new places and if they’re outdoors, so much the better!

Time permitting, I’ll try to keep this blog updated with recommendations of places this year.

I’ve got a few things potentially earmarked already and National Trust or Cadw properties are always worth a visit.

One thing I definitely want to tick off the list this year is the Gruffalo Trail at https://mountainviewranch.co.uk I wanted to go in 2022 but somehow never made it. I must remedy that!



6. Get back into a proper fitness routine

So, prior to giving birth, I wasn’t by any stretch of the imagination a fitness fanatic, but I did have something of a regular routine. I did Twilight Yoga on a Tuesday evening, Pilates on Wednesdays, Zumba on Thursday and Fitsteps on a Saturday morning.

For the past few months, I’ve managed to pick up Fitsteps again on a fairly regular basis but I don’t feel like it’s enough to really make a difference to my fitness levels.

I’d like to add Zumba back in as a minimum and pre-covid and lockdown etc., I used to love either swimming or aqua classes once a week. One way or another, by the end of the year, I’d like to be able to report being back in more of a regular routine.

7. Find a way to get my son sleeping through the night in his own cot

It’s funny how quickly circumstances can completely turn around previously firm-held beliefs.

Before my son was born, I was one of those people who would tout the old adage ‘I’m not going to let him sleep in my bed’.

Infant colic soon put paid to that theory.

As a newborn, he suffered terribly and the only way he, and we, could get any sleep was to have him in with us.

Fast forward 12 months and after several failed attempts at ‘sleep training’, including advice from a specialist who admitted she was out of answers, and we still, (or should I say I as my husband has been relegated to the spare room) have a co-sleeper on our hands.

If you’ve been paying close attention, you’ll have read that I’m away for the night at the end of January (see point 1), so I really need to have something in place and sharpish!

I’m under no circumstances prepared to resort to any form of ‘crying it out’ but if anyone has any other magic cures, I’m all ears!

8. Keep on top of my blog posts and book reviews

I’ve always been an avid reader and really enjoy the opportunity to read advance copies of books in exchange for reviews.

Last year, I wrote reviews for more books than I had previously but, in all honesty, in my eagerness to support certain authors, there were a few occasions where I overstretched myself and scheduled in too many at once. This either meant some reviews were slightly delayed or they ended up being rushed and I didn’t always feel I’d done the book or the author justice.

This year, I’m planning to try and be a little bit more selective, but also more organised! Hopefully I can manage it- watch this space!

9. Continue to provide articles for the HFEA as part of their creatives team

In the middle of last year, I noticed an opportunity on Twitter to become part of the HFEA Patient Engagement Forum. As someone who has personally benefited from advice online when going through fertility treatment, I was keen to be able to offer some insight to others who find themselves in the same position.

I became part of their creatives team towards the end of last year and in December had my first blog piece around egg donation published to coincide with the latest research publication.

I’ve got a further few opportunities lined up in the coming months and hope by continuing to share my experiences, I’ll be able to help others.

10. Spend an evening with friends watching Lionel Richie in concert

I’m really looking forward to this one. I’ve been fortunate to see Lionel Richie live twice already but never in an open air venue. I always remember how well his Glastonbury set was received a few years ago and I’m hoping there’ll be a party atmosphere at this one!

11. Try to supplement my income by selling things I no longer need

This feels particularly important in the current financial climate coupled with the fact I decided to take a considerable salary cut by returning to work part time after maternity leave.

Obviously I’d much prefer a nice win on the lottery but in the unlikely event of that happening, I’m determined to get some stuff online and see if I can bring in a little extra cash. (Plus it will keep my husband off my back as he’s always nagging me to declutter!)

12. Add to my books from around the world list

This was another post I saw elsewhere and magpied last year. I really like the idea of trying to broaden my reading range to include either countries or authors from around the world.

I was actually reasonably impressed with my initial list (see my post here: https://pickledthoughtsandpinot.wordpress.com/2022/06/26/a-bookish-passport-around-the-world-in-books/) but I’d like to think I can add more over the course of the year.

13. Take time to appreciate the little things in life

This one is fairly self-explanatory but definitely worth reflecting on as, all too often, life gets in the way and it becomes easy to forget to take a moment to appreciate what we have.

14. Try to worry less about what other people think and follow my heart more

It’ll be interesting to see how well I fare with this one as it’s often easier said than done! There are definitely certain aspects of my life where I need to make a concerted effort though and by adding it to this list, it’ll serve as a reminder when it’s tough to do.

15. Linked to no. 14, be more assertive in certain situations instead of always trying to keep the peace

Again, not always easy to achieve, but certainly something I need to be much better at!

16. Continue to try to be the best mum I can be

I waited a long time and had to go through a lot of heartache before I became a mum so it’s more important to me than anything to make the most of motherhood and give my son the best opportunities in life in order for him to grow up as a confident, independent and loving boy.

I know I won’t always get it right and it won’t always be easy, but I do know I’ll always give it my best shot.

17. Use mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help destress when things are tough

Sometimes situations in life can become overwhelming and I’ve learnt that it’s important to recognise when you need to acknowledge those times rather than burying your head in the sand.

A couple of years ago, I undertook an 8 week course in mindfulness at work. I’ve taken the main principles and now recognise not only when I need to just take a minute to be mindful, but also which techniques to use to help me relax.

I feel it really makes a positive difference and would urge anyone who is interested to pursue it further.

18. Keep in regular contact with people who are important to me

Again, something that’s so easy to fall into the trap of not doing, but it’s so important to keep in touch with those who’ve always got your back.

19. Try to beat my book reading challenge tally from 2022

In 2022, I was pretty impressed that I managed to read a grand total of 60 books. This year, I’d like to try and stretch that even further so I’m aiming for 65.

20. Take at least one holiday/ mini break

Getting away from it all is so important for my mental health. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or for a long period of time, but a simple change of scenery once in a while works wonders.

Last year, we spent a couple of nights in a glamping pod on a holiday site in March, a couple of days in a guest house in Porthmadog in May, a few nights in an Air BnB in Blackpool in June and a night in a treehouse for our wedding anniversary in October.

So far there’s nothing in the calendar for 2023 but I think we’ll probably venture up to North Wales again in the summer at least.

21, Visit the Goose Fair in Nottingham

I stumbled across this a few years ago and it’s been on my ‘to-do’ list ever since. It was cancelled during covid but ran again last year.

I love the idea that it’s a traditional fair with old school rides and stalls and it sounds like a fantastic event if you love a bit of nostalgia.

Details of this year’s event will be posted here: https://goosefair.co.uk

22. Go to a traditional Christmas market

The picture I’ve selected is the Birmingham Christmas market which I had hoped to visit in 2022 but illness and work schedules meant it didn’t happen. I had hoped to couple it with the Wild in Art penguin trail so will be looking for an opportunity to catch that elsewhere this year too.

There’s no better way to get into the Christmas spirit than by visiting a traditional market, so I’m determined to get to one in December this year.

Wild in Art sculpture trails across the UK can be found here: https://www.wildinart.co.uk/events/

Details of the Birmingham market can be found here: https://www.thebfcm.co.uk/

23. Make a concerted effort to learn more Welsh

My final thing to do in 2023 is something that’s been on my agenda since I moved back to Wales in 2016.

Learning Welsh wasn’t compulsory when I was at school so when I moved back home after almost 20 years of teaching in Liverpool, I knew I’d have to start to learn the language.

I’ve picked up some basics and been on an introductory course as well as trying to maximise my vocabulary through the Duolingo app from time to time but I’m aware I still need to know much more in order to be able to teach Welsh more confidently and effectively.

The Welsh education minister introduced an initiative last year to increase the number of Welsh speakers in Wales and as part of the pledge introduced free courses for 18-25 year olds and teachers.


My aim is to get signed up and access the online courses where I can. They say every little helps so hopefully I can add to my Welsh repertoire in the coming months!

What are your 23 things to do in 2023?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to hear them!