** Blog Tour ** My Sister’s Baby- Louise Guy

I’m delighted to be one of today’s stops on the blog tour for ‘My Sister’s Baby.’

Your sister once saved your life… Would you repay her with the child she’s always dreamed of?

Liv and Toni were once inseparable. While their parents focused on Mandy, their little sister with special needs, the two older sisters leaned on each other for love, support and security.

When they were in their teens, and Liv needed a lifesaving operation, Toni didn’t hesitate to do whatever it took to help her. Since then, their lives have gone in different directions. They live in different cities and rarely see each other. But now it’s Toni who needs help from Liv. Because she’s desperate for a baby…

When Liv finds herself in a situation where she could help Toni fulfil her dream, she wants more than anything to say yes. But Liv is keeping a dark secret. And she can’t help but wonder – is giving a baby to her sister the right thing to do… or will it destroy their family forever?

A gripping emotional page turner. Perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, Kate Hewitt and Emma Robinson.

Purchase Link – https://mybook.to/MySistersBabySocial

Author Bio –

Louise Guy, bestselling author of six novels, blends family and friendship themes with unique twists and intrigue. Her characters captivate readers, drawing them deeply into their compelling stories and struggles. Previously published by Lake Union, she lives in Australia.

Social Media Links

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/louiseguyauthor

Bookbub profile: Louise Guy Books – BookBub


It’s always a sign of a compelling book when you don’t want to put it down as you’re so eager to discover where the plot line goes next. My Sister’s Baby is a rollercoaster ride of a read which definitely fits into that category!

There’s an obvious trigger warning to be heeded for anyone who may struggle with issues around fertility and trying to conceive, but it’s worth noting that the author handles the topics with tact and insight, showing how emotional and at times, draining, the journey to motherhood can be.

It’s impossible not to feel empathy for all of the characters in some way at different points in the story, as their stories are so vibrant and their personalities so well depicted, that you cannot help but invest in them as a reader. I was especially drawn to Mandy and adored how, despite her ‘challenges’ she was so deftly and positively portrayed. Her journey was undoubtedly the most heart-warming of all.

One of the central themes is the keeping of secrets and I loved the way the author used this to build up intrigue before the final plot twist, which I have to admit I didn’t see coming!

I also enjoyed the Australian setting as the action flitted between Melbourne and Sydney, especially the descriptions of the view from the balconies overlooking the harbour.

The topic of kidney failure and organ donation was also extremely sensitively managed and clearly of personal significance to the author based on the dedication at the start of the book.

A hugely enjoyable read which certainly tugs at the heart strings!

With thanks to the author, Rachel at Random Resources and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to participate in the tour.

Further stops can be found here: