** Blog Tour ** The Secret Daughter of Venice- Juliet Greenwood

I’m excited to be one of today’s stops on the blog tour for ‘The Secret Daughter of Venice.’

The paper is stiff and brittle with age as Kate unfolds it with trembling hands. She gasps at the pencil sketch of a rippling waterway, lined by tall buildings, curving towards the dome of a cathedral. She feels a connection deep in her heart. Venice.

England, 1941. When Kate Arden discovers a secret stash of drawings hidden in the pages of an old volume of poetry given to her as a baby, her breath catches. All her life, she has felt like an outsider in her aristocratic adoptive family, who refuse to answer any questions about her past. But the drawings spark a forgotten memory: a long journey by boat… warm arms that held her tight, and then let go.

Could these pictures unlock the secret of who she is? Why her mother left her? With war raging around the continent, she will brave everything to find out…

A gripping, emotional historical novel of love and art that will captivate fans of The Venice SketchbookThe Woman on the Bridge and The Nightingale.

Purchase Links



Author Bio –

Juliet Greenwood is a historical novelist published by Storm Publishing. Her previous novel, The Last Train from Paris, was published to rave reviews and reached the top 100 kindle chart in the USA. She has long been inspired by the histories of the women in her family, and in particular with how strong-minded and independent women have overcome the limitations imposed on them by the constraints of their time, and the way generations of women hold families and communities together in times of crisis, including during WW2.

After graduating in English from Lancaster University and Kings College, London, Juliet worked on a variety of jobs to support her ambition to be a full-time writer. These ranged from running a craft stall at Covent Garden to running a small charity working with disadvantaged children, and collecting oral histories of traditional villages before they are lost forever. She finally achieved her dream of becoming a published author following a debilitating viral illness, with her first novel being a finalist for The People’s Book Prize and her first two novels reaching #4 and #5 in the UK Kindle store.

Juliet now lives in a traditional quarryman’s cottage in Snowdonia, North Wales, set between the mountains and the sea, with an overgrown garden (good for insects!) and a surprisingly successful grapevine. She can be found dog walking in all weathers working on the plot for her next novel, camera to hand.

 Social Media Links –

Storm:              https://stormpublishing.co/

Website:           http://www.julietgreenwood.co.uk/

Blog:                http://julietgreenwoodauthor.wordpress.com/

Facebook:         https://www.facebook.com/juliet.greenwood

Twitter: https://twitter.com/julietgreenwood

Instagram:        https://www.instagram.com/julietgreenwood/

BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/julietgreenwood.bsky.social


I knew from the moment I saw the title of this book and the author that this would be a ‘must-read’.

Regular readers of this blog will know I’m drawn to anything remotely Italian and more so if there’s a mention of Venice, but I also love historical fiction so it definitely ticked all the boxes.

I’d also read, or should I say, devoured Juliet Greenwood’s previous book, ‘The Last Train from Paris’ (review can be found by typing the author’s name in the search bar) so I was expecting great things.

I found myself utterly captivated from the outset. I loved the way the story unfolded from the perspective of the two main characters Kate and Sofia but within the same timeline; a really clever way to draw on the parallels between their experiences, despite the difference in their age.

Set against the backdrop of World War II, the fear and the uncertainty of the future was perfectly portrayed and I particularly liked the references to the Land Girls and the efforts to evacuate the orphaned children and give them a sense of normality.

What also struck me was the strength of the female characters, who despite being continually told they were not destined to follow their aspirations and become independent in their own right, often defied the odds to do exactly that.

Art and freedom of expression are prominent themes throughout and also serve in many ways to bring the landscapes of St Ives and Italy to life in the eye of the reader.

I was unaware on reading that there is an earlier book, ‘The Shakespeare Sisters’ which introduces several of the characters from this one, but ‘The Secret Daughter of Venice’ can easily be read as a stand-alone.

This is a wonderful, poignant and emotional book that is perfect for fans of historical fiction. A highly recommended read!

With thanks to the author, Rachel at Random Resources and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to participate in the tour.

Further stops can be found here:

Giveaway to Win 3 x Signed copies of The Secret Daughter of Venice (Open to UK Only)

*Terms and Conditions –UK entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter link below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


** Blog Tour ** The Maiden of Florence- Katherine Mezzacappa

I’m delighted to be one of today’s stops on the blog tour for ‘The Maiden of Florence.’

‘My defloration was talked about in all the courts of Europe. The Prince boasted of his prowess, even as preparations were being made for his wedding, as boldly as if he had ridden across that causeway with bloodstained sheet tied to his lance.’

1584, Italy: Twenty-year-old Giulia expects she will live and die incarcerated as a silk weaver within the walls of her Florentine orphanage, where she has never so much as glimpsed her own face. This all changes with the visit of the Medici family’s most trusted advisor, promising her a generous dowry and a husband if she agrees to a small sacrifice that will bring honour and glory to her native city.

Vincenzo Gonzaga, libertine heir to the dukedom of Mantua, wants to marry the Grand-Duke of Tuscany’s eldest daughter, but the rumours around his unconsummated first marriage must be silenced first. Eager for a dynastic alliance that will be a bulwark against the threat of Protestant heresy beyond the Alps, the Pope and his cardinals turn a blind eye to a mortal sin.

A powerful #MeToo story of the Renaissance, based on true events.

Purchase Links



Author Bio –

Katherine Mezzacappa is an Irish writer of mainly historical fiction, currently living in Italy. She has published several novels under pen names with publishers Bonnier Zaffre and eXtasy. She works as a manuscript assessor for The Literary Consultancy. Katherine reviews for Historical Novel Society’s quarterly journal and is one of the organisers of the Society’s 2022 UK conference. In her spare time she volunteers with a used book charity of which she is a founder member.

Social Media Links –

Twitter: https://twitter.com/katmezzacappa

Facebook: https:/www.facebook.comkatherinemezzacappafiction/



Any regular readers of my blog will know I’m fascinated by anything Italian-related and I love anything set in the Renaissance period so this was perfect for me.

What makes it even more interesting was the fact it is based on actual events and therefore, gives a real sense not just of history but of culture and customs of the era too.

The author’s writing style is engaging and I found myself immersed in the story from the outset. I enjoyed the fact it is told from Guilia’s perspective and so clearly demonstrates how she was seen as a tool to gain power rather than as a woman in her own right.

A truly remarkable book, perfect for fans of historical fiction. It’s informative but simply written, giving it appeal for a wide range of readers.

With thanks to the author and Rachel at Random Resources for the opportunity to participate in the tour.

Further stops can be found here:

Giveaway to Win a vintage postcard, early 1900s, of the babies from the façade of the Innocenti orphanage. (Open INT)

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter link below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


** Cover Reveal ** The Last Train from Paris- Juliet Greenwood

I’m delighted to be part of today’s cover reveal for ‘The Last Train from Paris.’

For Iris, each visit to her mother in St Mabon’s Cove, Cornwall has been the same – a serene escape from the city. But today, as she breathes in the salt air on the doorstep of her beloved childhood home, a heavy weight of anticipation settles over her. Iris knows she’s adopted, but any questions about where she came from have always been shut down by her parents, who can’t bear to revisit the past.

Now, Iris can’t stop thinking about what she’s read on the official paperwork: BABY GIRL, FRANCE, 1939 – the year war was declared with Nazi Germany.

When Iris confronts her mother, she hits the same wall of pain and resistance as whenever she mentions the war. That is, until her mother tearfully hands her an old tin of letters, tucked neatly beside a delicate piece of ivory wool.

Retreating to the loft, Iris steels herself to at last learn the truth, however painful it might be. But, as she peels back each layer of history before her, a sensation of dread grows inside her. The past is calling, and its secrets are more intricate and tangled than Iris could ever have imagined.

The year is 1939, and in Paris, France a young woman is about to commit a terrible betrayal… 

A beautifully written and addictively compelling historical novel about the terrible choices ordinary people were forced to make in the horrors of World War Two. If you loved The Tattooist of AuschwitzThe Alice Network and The Nightingale, you will devour this book.

What readers are saying about Juliet Greenwood:

“This was fantastic! Perfect for a Kate Morton or Lucinda Riley hangover, this book will draw you in and won’t let go until you’ve read the last page. This book was unputdownable – fascinating characters, excellent writing, and a plot that keeps you turning the pages. I loved every second of it.” Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I found myself reading chapter after chapter, unable to put it down. A first-time read by this author but certainly not the last.” Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“For readers of Kate Morton and Lucinda Riley, this book will be one of your favorites… A historical novel that will keep you reading until the end.” Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

An absolutely brilliant read. I could not put it down…I loved how the war changed everyone and it was a gripping story… I really loved it. Cannot recommend it enough.” Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Did everything that I was looking for… it left me wanting to read more from Juliet Greenwood.” Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Pre-order Link – https://geni.us/290-al-aut-am

Publication Date: 23rd October 2023

Author Bio –

Juliet Greenwood is a historical novelist, now published by Storm Publishing. Her first novel was a finalist for The People’s Book Prize and two of her books reached the top 5 in the UK Kindle store. Juliet has always been a bookworm and a storyteller, writing her first novel (a sweeping historical epic) at the age of ten. She lives in a traditional cottage in Snowdonia, North Wales, set between the mountains and the sea, with an overgrown garden (good for insects!) and a surprisingly successful grapevine.

Social Media Links –

Storm:                  https://stormpublishing.co/

Website:              http://www.julietgreenwood.co.uk/

Facebook:            https://www.facebook.com/juliet.greenwood

Twitter: https://twitter.com/julietgreenwood

Instagram:          https://www.instagram.com/julietgreenwood/

And so to the reveal…

I love how atmospheric this cover is and how there are subtle plot clues hidden within. The tagline certainly makes me want to dive in and read it too!

With thanks to the author and Rachel at Random Resources for the opportunity to participate in today’s cover reveal.

** Blog Tour ** Twelve Nights- Penny Ingham

I’m delighted to be one of today’s stops on the tour for ‘Twelve Nights’.

The Theatre

London, 1592

When a player is murdered, suspicion falls on the wardrobe mistress, Magdalen Bisset, because everyone knows poison is a woman’s weapon. The scandal-pamphlets vilify her. The coroner is convinced of her guilt.

Magdalen is innocent, although few are willing to help her prove it. Her much-loved grandmother is too old and sick. Will Shakespeare is benignly detached, and her friend Christopher Marlowe is wholly unreliable. Only one man offers his assistance, but dare she trust him when nothing about him rings true?

With just two weeks until the inquest, Magdalen ignores anonymous threats to ‘leave it be’, and delves into the dangerous underworld of a city seething with religious and racial tension.

As time runs out, she must risk everything in her search for the true killer – for all other roads lead to the gallows.

Purchase Links

UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Twelve-Nights-Heavenly-Charmers-Book-ebook/dp/B09ZRPGZL8/

US – https://www.amazon.com/Twelve-Nights-Heavenly-Charmers-Book-ebook/dp/B09ZRPGZL8/

Author Bio –

I was born and raised in Yorkshire where my father inspired my love of history from an early age. He is a born story teller and would take us to the top of Iron Age hillforts, often as dusk was falling, and regale us with stirring tales of battles lost and won.

Not surprisingly, I went on to study Classics at university, and still love spending my summers on archaeological digs. For me, there is nothing more thrilling than finding an artefact that has not seen the light of day for thousands of years. I find so much inspiration for my novels from archaeology.

I have had a variety of jobs over the years, including working for the British Forces newspaper in Germany, and at the BBC.

When our family was little, the only available space for me to write was a small walk-in wardrobe. The children used to say, ‘oh, mum’s in the cupboard again’.

I have written four historical novels: The King’s Daughter explores the story of Aethelflaed, the Lady of the Mercians. The Saxon Wolves and the Saxon Plague are both set in fifth century AD, a time of
enormous upheaval and uncertainty in Britain as the Romans departed and the Saxon era began.

My latest is something a bit different. Twelve Nights is a crime thriller set in sixteenth century London, and features William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.

I now live with my husband in the Hampshire countryside. Like many others during the pandemic, we decided to try growing our own fruit and vegetables – with mixed results! We can only get better!

Social Media Links –

Facebook: Penny Ingham Author Page | Facebook

Instagram: Penny Ingham (@penny.ingham)

Twitter: Penny Ingham (@pennyingham) / Twitter

Website: Penny Ingham (wordpress.com)


As a huge fan of the Tudor period, the synopsis for this novel immediately caught my attention. But this is not your usual standard, historical fare; rather it is a unique delve into the heart of sixteenth century London, where, somewhat unexpectedly, there is a female protagonist at the heart of the narrative.

Author Penny Ingham includes incredible descriptions of the setting, creating an atmospheric image in the mind of the reader that places them at the very heart of the story. It is no surprise to learn of her love of history as the attention to detail is exceptional.

Similarly, depictions of the characters and their actions, viewpoints held by different elements of society and the strong part played by religion in people’s everyday lives are portrayed with real authenticity.

Adding in the characters of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe lends another interesting perspective, as although not central characters, their differing personalities are clearly delineated.

A wonderfully engaging read!

With thanks to the author and Rachel at Random Resources for the opportunity to participate in the tour. Further stops can be found here:

Giveaway to Win a PB copy of Twelve Nights (Open to UK Only)

*Terms and Conditions –UK entries welcome.

Please enter using the Rafflecopter link below. The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email.

If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over. Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.

I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.
