** Blog Tour ** Escape to the Tuscan Vineyard- Carrie Walker

I’m pleased to be one of today’s stops on the blog tour for ‘Escape to the Tuscan Vineyard.’

Pack your bags and uncork the laughter in this delightful romantic escapade!

After getting her heart broken in her early twenties, Abi Mason vowed to live by a simple (but non-negotiable) rule: no second dates. Who needs a boyfriend, or anything else for that matter, when you have a career to think about?

But life has other plans: with some unexpected time on her hands, Abi finds herself on holiday in Tuscany. Among sun-dappled vineyards and olive groves, Abi meets dashing American Tony, and it seems the universe is conspiring to force her out of her comfort zone…

If Abi can break her own rules, could this unexpected Italian fling lead her to a happiness she never dared to dream of?

Purchase Link – https://amzn.eu/d/5hauV8B

Author Bio – Carrie Walker is a Brummie born rom-com lover with a lifelong passion for travel. She has lived in a ski resort, by a beach, in the country and the city, and travelled solo through Asia, South America and Europe. Her own love life was more com than rom until she met her husband a few years ago and settled down with him and her dog Ziggy in a small pub-filled village in Essex. Escape to the Swiss Chalet is her debut novel.

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Regular readers of my blog will know my penchant for anything Italian so when I was offered the chance to review this for the blog tour, I was always going to snap it up.

I’ve got a particular soft spot for the Tuscan region and spent a wonderful few days in and around Sam Gimignano several years ago so it was a pleasure to revisit some of the glorious scenery through the pages of this book.

I confess to finding Abi’s character frustrating initially, even though as more details unfolded, I could begin to understand her need to control everything to the nth degree.

It was therefore heartwarming to see how the escape to the vineyard allowed her to soften her hard edges and reconsider what was important in life.

Her best friend Holly definitely became a favourite character as I loved how her support for Abi never wavered and yet she steadfastly resolved to break down her defences to allow her to live more freely again.

The setting, the food (with mouthwatering descriptions of the dishes on offer at Xavier’s restaurant) and of course, the wine make this a perfect escapist read and with a douse of romance thrown in for good measure, it shapes up for a delightful way to while away a few hours soaking up the Italian sun.

With thanks to the author, Rachel at Random Resources and Aria Fiction for the opportunity to participate in the tour.

Further stops can be found here: