** Blog Tour ** Twelve Nights- Penny Ingham

I’m delighted to be one of today’s stops on the tour for ‘Twelve Nights’.

The Theatre

London, 1592

When a player is murdered, suspicion falls on the wardrobe mistress, Magdalen Bisset, because everyone knows poison is a woman’s weapon. The scandal-pamphlets vilify her. The coroner is convinced of her guilt.

Magdalen is innocent, although few are willing to help her prove it. Her much-loved grandmother is too old and sick. Will Shakespeare is benignly detached, and her friend Christopher Marlowe is wholly unreliable. Only one man offers his assistance, but dare she trust him when nothing about him rings true?

With just two weeks until the inquest, Magdalen ignores anonymous threats to ‘leave it be’, and delves into the dangerous underworld of a city seething with religious and racial tension.

As time runs out, she must risk everything in her search for the true killer – for all other roads lead to the gallows.

Purchase Links

UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Twelve-Nights-Heavenly-Charmers-Book-ebook/dp/B09ZRPGZL8/

US – https://www.amazon.com/Twelve-Nights-Heavenly-Charmers-Book-ebook/dp/B09ZRPGZL8/

Author Bio –

I was born and raised in Yorkshire where my father inspired my love of history from an early age. He is a born story teller and would take us to the top of Iron Age hillforts, often as dusk was falling, and regale us with stirring tales of battles lost and won.

Not surprisingly, I went on to study Classics at university, and still love spending my summers on archaeological digs. For me, there is nothing more thrilling than finding an artefact that has not seen the light of day for thousands of years. I find so much inspiration for my novels from archaeology.

I have had a variety of jobs over the years, including working for the British Forces newspaper in Germany, and at the BBC.

When our family was little, the only available space for me to write was a small walk-in wardrobe. The children used to say, ‘oh, mum’s in the cupboard again’.

I have written four historical novels: The King’s Daughter explores the story of Aethelflaed, the Lady of the Mercians. The Saxon Wolves and the Saxon Plague are both set in fifth century AD, a time of
enormous upheaval and uncertainty in Britain as the Romans departed and the Saxon era began.

My latest is something a bit different. Twelve Nights is a crime thriller set in sixteenth century London, and features William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.

I now live with my husband in the Hampshire countryside. Like many others during the pandemic, we decided to try growing our own fruit and vegetables – with mixed results! We can only get better!

Social Media Links –

Facebook: Penny Ingham Author Page | Facebook

Instagram: Penny Ingham (@penny.ingham)

Twitter: Penny Ingham (@pennyingham) / Twitter

Website: Penny Ingham (wordpress.com)


As a huge fan of the Tudor period, the synopsis for this novel immediately caught my attention. But this is not your usual standard, historical fare; rather it is a unique delve into the heart of sixteenth century London, where, somewhat unexpectedly, there is a female protagonist at the heart of the narrative.

Author Penny Ingham includes incredible descriptions of the setting, creating an atmospheric image in the mind of the reader that places them at the very heart of the story. It is no surprise to learn of her love of history as the attention to detail is exceptional.

Similarly, depictions of the characters and their actions, viewpoints held by different elements of society and the strong part played by religion in people’s everyday lives are portrayed with real authenticity.

Adding in the characters of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe lends another interesting perspective, as although not central characters, their differing personalities are clearly delineated.

A wonderfully engaging read!

With thanks to the author and Rachel at Random Resources for the opportunity to participate in the tour. Further stops can be found here:

Giveaway to Win a PB copy of Twelve Nights (Open to UK Only)

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