** Blog Tour ** My Little Brother- Diane Saxon

I’m delighted to be one of today’s stops on the blog tour for ‘My Little Brother’.

Two siblings, both missing for 20 years turn up within one day of each other.

One dead. One alive.

It was an ordinary school day, the day I lost my little brother. One moment he was on the roundabout and then was gone. Gone. Missing.
They all blamed me. I was in charge. Even though I was only ten years old.

They sent me away. The hurt, the shame, the questions. The not knowing. I tried to move on.

It’s been nineteen years in exile and now somebody wants me back.
Someone with a dark secret. They hold the keys, they know the truth.
So, I need to return to the Welsh village of my childhood to find out who, because I have a secret, too…

I did something bad.

Diane Saxon’s standalone thriller is sure to plunge you into the dark world of secrets and lies.

Purchase Link – https://amzn.to/3sdQ4qJ

Author Bio –

Diane Saxon previously wrote romantic fiction for the US market but has now turned to writing psychological crime.

Find Her Alive was her first novel in this genre and introduced series character DS Jenna Morgan.

She is married to a retired policeman and lives in Shropshire.

Social Media Links –

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/authordianesaxon

Twitter https://twitter.com/Diane_Saxon

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dianesaxonauthor/

Newsletter Sign Up: http://bit.ly/DianeSaxonNewsletter

Bookbub profile: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/diane-


This is the first time I’ve read anything by this author, but after devouring this book, I’ll definitely be looking out for future releases!

Set in rural Wales, this is a psychological crime thriller with an abundance of suspense and plenty of plot twists to keep you guessing how the series of events panned out right until the end.

I found Caryn’s character fascinating, especially as her memories resurfaced over the course of the chapters. Her treatment by the locals at ‘The Prince of Wales’ pub was depicted exactly as you’d imagine an old-school rural community to react, with gossip, resentment and ostracising in abundance. It certainly makes the reader empathetic to her situation!

The portrayal of Caryn’s mother and the development of her story across the narrative was also cleverly woven and while there were hints at the truth throughout, the true picture added real perspective as to how and why events had taken the turns they did.

As for the rest, you’ll have to read for yourself as it’s difficult to reveal more without giving too much away!

A gripping read and highly recommended!

With thanks to the author, Rachel at Random Resources and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to participate in the tour. Further stops can be found here:

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