** Blog Tour ** Love in a Time of War- Adrienne Chinn

I’m thrilled to be one of today’s stops on the blog tour for ‘Love in a Time of War’.

Three sisters

The Great War

The end of innocence…

In 1913, in a quiet corner of London, the three Fry sisters are coming of age, dreaming of all the possibilities the bright future offers. But when war erupts their innocence is shattered and a new era of uncertainty begins.

Cecelia loves Max but his soldier’s uniform is German, not British, and suddenly the one man she loves is the one man she can’t have.

Jessie enlists in the army as a nurse and finally finds the adventure she’s craved when she’s sent to Gallipoli and Egypt, but it comes with an unimaginable cost.

Etta elopes to Capri with her Italian love, Carlo, but though her growing bump is real, her marriage certificate is a lie.

As the three sisters embark on journeys they never could have imagined, their mother Christina worries about the harsh new realities they face, and what their exposure to the wider world means for the secrets she’s been keeping…

Author Bio –

Adrienne Chinn was born in Grand Falls, Newfoundland, grew up in Quebec, and eventually made her way to London, England after a career as a journalist. In England she worked as a TV and film researcher before embarking on a career as an interior designer, lecturer, and writer. When not up a ladder or at the computer writing, she often can be found rummaging through flea markets or haggling in the Marrakech souk. Her second novel, The English Wife — a timeslip story set in World War II England and contemporary Newfoundland — was published in June 2020 and has become an international bestseller. Her debut novel, The Lost Letter from Morocco, was published by Avon Books UK in 2019. Her latest novel, Love in a Time of War, set during WWI, is the first in a series of three books based around the changing lives of three English sisters and their half-Italian mother, with a timeslip to 1890s Capri and London.

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An evocative read set across a dual timeline both before and during the Great War, this is a tale of family, love, heartache, secrets and moments in life that change things forever.

The author expertly weaves the narrative to build the story of the Fry family and its three sisters, each with their own individual personalities and aspirations.

Historically accurate and reflective of views and opinions of the time, the reader encounters life as it would have been for each member of the family and how this impacted on their opportunities and experiences. It is impossible not to get caught up in each of their stories and also reflect on how history can often repeat itself.

A thoroughly captivating and emotional read.

With thanks to the author and Rachel at Random Resources for the opportunity to participate in the tour. Further stops can be found here:

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